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Retiring... :)

Retiring. Just that word conjures up all kinds of fantastic fantasies. Dreams of traveling, visiting friends and family, seeing the country or visiting other countries are almost always on that bucket list of things one wants to do when one retires.

However, once at that place in life when you are retired, either forced by physical breakdown due to field requirements, or by choice. Either way, by the time one actually gets to retire, many things can stand in the way of checking off those bucket list items; mainly physical health.

The other main thing (besides money, of course), that prevents accomplishing bucket list items, is time. Believe it or not, once retired, one might think one has all the time in the world to do whatever, whenever, but one does not. Time is precious and not to be wasted and by the time retirement rolls around, the clock ticks faster.

I took the above picture when I was stationed in Germany and took a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit Paris. I was only twenty-two years old. I knew I'd probably never get the opportunity to go back again, so I took lots and lots of pictures. I visited The Louvre Museum and spent almost and entire day there - it was not enough. I'd love to go back and have an entire week dedicated to seeing everything in there.

Time. There is never enough to do everything one might one to do in one's lifetime. If time and money were not a factor, I'd be willing to bet that everyone would be able to fulfill their entire bucket list.

Retirement and Time. Two very elusive things for many people. Now that I've taken up some of that precious time of yours that you can never get back, I hope you have a great week and return again next. >^,,^<

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