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Cabin Fever

Cabin fever. Anyone that lives in a cold climate gets the shivers just hearing that phrase. Even if there isn't any snow on the ground, and isn't raining, it's still too cold to be outside enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Garden is planned and seeds are started in the window. I'm getting ancy wanting them to be big enough to plant in the ground. After each long winter, I enjoy being outside feeling the rays of the sun on my skin. Gardening is good exercise, fairly inexpensive, I get a tan naturally AND at the end of the season, I get to work my butt off canning all the goodness from the garden to enjoy all throughout the winter. Bonuses all around.

One of the drawbacks of cabin fever however, is the weight that hangs on which, in turn, creates depression and can be difficult to overcome. But overcome it can be! I have never had difficulty losing weight, until I turned fifty. I have been limiting my sweets and snacks and changing how I eat for more healthier options. I exercise, regularly. I am fortunate enough to have a treadmill and I use it, no less than four days a week. I have it on a decent incline and speed and am on it about forty-five minutes daily. So, I've changed the way I eat drastically, increased my exercise and not only have I not lost any weight, I have gained some! Mighty irritating and I have empathy for anyone who cannot lose weight no matter how hard they try.

Something about being over fifty now has to do with my problem. I'm hoping once my hormones settle down and I stop having hot flashes, I will be able to trim down again. I refuse to give up! I gave up using dairy products years ago when my husband suddenly became lactose intolerant. I refuse to give up my morning english muffin, and I will not deny myself a little sweet during the day. I hold myself to portion control and I admit I must decrease my portions even more due to this age thing. I'm tired of stressing over every little thing I put in my mouth. So what if I have twenty more pounds than I'm comfortable with. I'm not trying to win any bathing suit contests here, I am a grandma and I am over fifty. If I can't enjoy small portions of what I like to eat, why bother? >^,,^<

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