Spring Plantings
Plants are fun and rewarding to watch grow. Patience is indeed a virtue when it comes to caring for plants. One plants seeds in spring to put into the garden to harvest the fruits after a summer of a labor of love. It seems to take forever for the tiny little seeds to emerge from the dirt, then once it does, the plant grows amazingly fast. All it needs is some sun and water to grow. It gets bigger daily. Over the next few weeks, the plant matures and grows stronger until it is mature enough to be planted outdoors in the garden. Once in the garden, the plant takes off with careful, tender loving care.
A few weeks of continued care of keeping the weeds clear, regular watering and lots of sunshine make for a fruitful garden come harvest time. Yes, a garden keeps one tied to keeping it up, but the rewards in the fall are so worth it. Besides, does one need a better excuse to be outdoors? It is good exercise for the body. Gardening is great for the mind as well; a peaceful place to go and ponder all manner of things. A place to openly talk to the Lord, listen quietly for His voice and hear His answers.
Spring. New beginnings. New and renewed life. Fresh starts. Even if you don't garden, spring is the beginning of sun-filled days enjoying this earth and this one life we have been given. Go live it! >^,,^<