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Keeping our Furry Friends Warm

Winter has finally hit our area and the days as well as the nights are very cold. Harley doesn't have much fur, so he really likes his "fleece" to help keep him warm. He's spoiled and lives indoors, but not all critters are as fortunate. I believe all critters should have a warm place to sleep, even if it's a barn or shed, someplace to get out of the weather during the winter.

I must recommend considering very carefully, if you are thinking about getting a four-legged friend for your family. Many things must be thought about before following through.

First, never buy an animal. There are so many out there that need homes. I've purchased a purebred before and will never do so again. Purebreds have problems, lots of genetic problems. Why not consider rescuing one from a shelter? All my animals since have been rescues, either from a shelter, from a friend or from the outside of a store where they were being given away.

Second, and I think most importantly, is that they grow up. Sure, they are so adorable when they are little, but they grow up and they will continue to need the same care from you. Make sure you are prepared to care for them, even though you think your children will. Treat them like they ARE your children! They are certainly more loyal than children, and will always love you, no matter what.

Make sure there is adequate space for them to thrive in. Bedding, toys and treats. Time for training and time for play. You will get so much love in return. Never be mean to them and never neglect them.

Animals enrich our lives incredibly and science has proven they help us live longer and healthier. Just be absolutely sure you are ready to tackle all the responsibilities they entail. If you do decide on an animal, be sure you take the time to train them properly, and most of all... love them with all your heart! You'll be glad you did!

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